I recently read “It’s Worth It” by Landry Holmes, and would like to share some quotes from the book with you. Matthew 28:19-20 says “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And Remember I am with you always, to the end of the age.” “Go”, is an action verb. In fact the Greek word translated as “go” is a form of the verb that indicates continuing action-while you are going, or having gone. While you are going and whatever you are doing, be involved-intentional action that shares the gospel and helps disciple believers”

On a weekly basis we have 25-30 children participating in the children’s ministry of Calvary. During Vacation Bible School we have 100-125 children in our building. What a great opportunity we have as we are “going” to share the gospel with the children that come through our doors. “VBS has been a local church and denominational evangelistic strategy sine the 1920’s. And to me one of the best signs of VBS health and stability is its longevity. In kid’s ministry, which is sometimes marked by trendy, short lived fads, VBS is one of the few ministries with real staying power.” “VBS is a time when the entire church body can come together united to spread the gospel. Each generation brings its own perspective to the teaching experience, enhancing the learning experience and expanding the reach of the message.” Vacation Bible School is a church event, not just a children’s ministry event. “95% of Americans surveyed who say they have a child who has attended VBS agree that participations in VBS was one of their child’s most meaningful church experience. More than two-thirds (69%) say they would encourage their child to attend VBS at a church they don’t attend if their child was personally invited by a friend. Something as important as introducing people to the Gospel requires a personal invitation.” So in a world that often seems full of confusion and unsteady, Vacation Bible School can introduce young people to the Gospel and the stability of God’s word. There is a place for everyone to serve.

Mark your calendar for July 6-11 and plan to be a part of VBS. Be thinking about kids in your neighborhood that you can give a personal invitation to, and then plan to be here as a familiar face when those kids come through our door. VBS is a worthwhile investment. It has great eternal significance. For one full week everyone who is here can hear the gospel every single day. “Yes it’s worth it, because eternity is worth it.”
